Is VR Gaming Coming to Our Cars? Pretty Much So

valeo vr gaming for car

Over the years, the driving experience has certainly gotten more and more intricate and complex – and that’s all been for the sake of convenience and safety – better or worse.

Now, enter entertainment for your passengers as a new frontier. We’re not talking about the radio or hanging rear facing tablets from the head rests on your seats. We talking immersive gaming that includes your surroundings.

Continue reading “Is VR Gaming Coming to Our Cars? Pretty Much So”

Best Gaming Processors Ranked: Who You Got?

pc gaming

In the world of PC gaming, there’s no greater influencer of performance than your PC’s processor. A fast processor is crucial for a great PC gaming experience because it’s central to performance.

We’ve selected 5 PC gaming processors that can help you maximize your gaming fun. Our list includes a couple of budget friendly processors as well.

Continue reading “Best Gaming Processors Ranked: Who You Got?”

Helldivers 2 Frozen Screen Issues Now Resolved

Its been a handful of days since the issue began. Helldivers 2 gamers were experiencing the game stalling, or all out freezing, when using specific weapons such as the Arc Thrower, Arc Shotgun, or the Tesla Tower.

The issue has been so prominent and so frustrating that many people simply stopped playing the popular game.

To better understand why is so frustrating, imagine you’ve earned XP in and suddenly, you’re kicked out. And yes, you lose all that XP and more progress aspects. The entire point of gaming is to collect progressive aspects along the way.

The game released an official Discord over the matter:

  • Various issues involving friend invites and cross-play:
    Cross-platform friend invites might not show up in the Friend Requests tab.
    Players cannot unfriend other players befriended via friend code.
    Players cannot unblock players that were not in their Friends list beforehand.
    Players cannot befriend players with Steam names shorter than 3 characters.
  • Hellpod steering close to large or important objects is currently not functioning as intended, resulting in steering being disabled in a large area around the object.
  • Online features are not functioning when console language is set to Ukrainian.
  • Players may be unable to select loadout when joining a multiplayer via an activity card.
  • Planet liberation reaches 100% at the end of every Defend mission.
  • Drowning in deep water with a Vitality Booster equipped puts Helldiver in a broken state.
  • Exosuits will sometimes be delivered in a damaged or broken state.
  • Stratagem beam might attach itself to an enemy but it will deploy to its original location.
  • Pink artifacts may appear in the sky when setting off large explosions.
  • Text chat box display is obstructed by the cinematic letterboxing during extraction.
  • Sometimes the player’s loadout customizations will reset after restarting the game.

Ok, so let’s hope that Arrowhead Game Studios has this completely resolved so a great many of us can come back and play without worrying about getting booted and losing all of our progress.